The five-year Global Research Project, Strengthening Institutions to Improve Public Expenditure Accountability, implemented in technical partnership with the Results for Development Institute (R4D), aimed at building the capacity of 14 participating developing country organizations to monitor and analyze public expenditure choices and processes, and to engage constructively with policy officials on various policy options in the three sectors of health, education and water. The project’s ultimate goal was more capable, accountable, and responsive governments in the countries where the project operated. It had an integrated independent monitoring and evaluation component which was undertaken by the National Opinion Research Centre, University of Chicago.
Read the project's Concept Note, Mid-term Review, the Project Completion Report and its Annexes, as well as the Final Evaluation Report.
Visit the project's Research to Action web portal.
The project was fully supported by the Department for International Development (DFID), UK through its Governance and Transparency Fund (GTF). Thirty-eight organizations received funding through the GTF, of which GDN’s grant was one of the largest; five million pounds.
Read Annual Reports to DFID:
- 2013 Annual Report, Annexes
- 2012 Annual Report, Annexes
- 2011 Annual Report, Annexes
- 2010 Annual Report, Annexes
- 2009 Annual Report
Research Studies
- Argentina | Redistribution of funds for the Ministry of Education programs - A Policy Simulation
- Argentina | Universal Social Protection for Catastrophic Diseases in Argentina A Policy Simulation
- Armenia | Policy Simulation Analysis in the Education Sector
- Armenia | Policy Simulation Analysis in the Water Sector
- Bangladesh | Policy Simulation Achieving Higher Educational Attainments at the Primary Level
- Ghana | Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Selected Programs in Ghana's Education Sector
- Guatemala | Conditional Cash Transfers Program in Guatemala Policy Simulation and Cost Effectiveness Analysis
- Guatemala | Policy Simulation for Water Enterprise in Guatemala City Pricing Water towards Financial Sustainability
- India | Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Drinking Water Utilities in Belgaum City Corporation
- India | Interactive Radio Audio Interventions in Elementary Schools in Karnataka, India A Policy Simulation Exercise
- India | Uniform Level of Funding or Differential Financing-A Policy Simulation Exercise for Health Financing
- Indonesia | Increasing Access to HIV Treatment ART through Scaling-up ART in West Java
- Kenya | Vector Control in Malaria Policy Simulations on Combined Use of ITN and IRS
- Mexico | An Optimal Tobacco Tax
- Mexico | Restructuring Upper Secondary Education System in Mexico - Improving Education Quality
- Nepal | Simulating policy alternatives for dropouts and girls' scholarship program in community primary schools The case of Nepal
- Nepal | Stimulating Policy Alternatives for Better Maternal Health The Case of Nepal
- Nigeria | Policy Simulation of Educational Assistance Programs for Girls in Nigeria
- Peru | Intercultural Bilingual Education Program for Better Performance in Schools The case of the Indigenous Children of the Amazon
- Peru | Policy Alternatives in Primary School Management and Grade Structure in Peru A Cost-Effectiveness Exercise
- Peru | A Cost Effectiveness Analysis of the Health Sector in Peru
- Peru | The Health Insurance System in Peru Towards a Universal Health Insurance
- Philippines | A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Two Secondary School Interventions The Case of Pasig City Division School
- Philippines | Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Water Sector in the Philippines
- Philippines | Philippines Towards Expanding Access to Healthcare Services - A Policy Simulation Report
- Uganda | Cost Benefit Analysis of the Uganda Post Primary Education and Training Expansion and Improvement Project
- Uganda | Improving Girls’ Access to Secondary Schooling A Policy Simulation for Uganda
GDN's Global Research Project on Public Expenditure
Guatemala | Strong Institutions for a Brighter Future
India | Learning Programs for Schools | Chinna Chukki
Indonesia | Early HIV Detection
Mexico | The Price You Pay for Smoking
Philippines | Water for a Better Life
Nepal | Ensuring Access to a Safe Motherhood
Nigeria | Scholarship Program Increasing Student Enrollment
Uganda | Eliminating Malaria Using Sprays and Nets