Photo By NastyaSensei Sens / Pexels
The Global Development Network's Regional Research Competitions (RRCs) were carried in partnership with GDN's Regional Network Partners (RNPs) from 1999 to 2016, to identify, unearth and nurture research talent in developing and transition countries. Through the RRCs, aspiring researchers gained access to support services such as mentoring, training workshops, and the opportunity to publish their and present their research to diverse audiences within their region.
GDN has provided an average of around 100 grants per year through the RRCs. The value of individual awards has varied according to the local economic conditions and different aspects of the research projects, such as the scope, the need for primary data collection and team size. Net research grants have been averaged at USD 12,000.
In sub-Saharan Africa, GDN supported 18 studies focused on poverty, income distribution and food security, macroeconomic policies, investment and growth, finance and resource mobilization, trade and regional integration, political economy, natural resources management and agricultural policy issues. In Central and Eastern Europe, GDN supported 15 studies on urbanization, rural policy and migration, enterprise development, labor markets, health economics, globalization, economic policy, public finance, and education and reform. In East Asia, GDN supported seven studies on economics, human development, political and social dynamics, gender, international relations and financial inclusion. In the Commonwealth of Independent States, GDN supported eight studies on product, financial and labor markets, social policy, open economies, and international trade. In the Middle East and North Africa, GDN supported six studies focused on the economics of healthcare in the ERF region, and in South Asia five studies focused on tax policy and reform.
GDN is very proud of its association with its ten regional network partners. Years of working together – and witnessing various economic, political and social transitions in many of these regions – has led to GDN supporting an impressive cadre of young economists to study topics at the heart of development, supporting their career progression, and catalyzing a real culture of research-informed policymaking. GDN continues to support many of these directions within its new strategy, and is counting on the regional network partners to shape new ideas for supporting researchers around the world, and to find new ways of collaborating in the future. For instance, GDN’s global platform can continue to be used to disseminate insights, learning and impact from each network in the region. GDN has also launched an online platform on LinkedIn, called Friends of GDN, and looks forward to shaping new programs, initiatives and jointly- funded initiatives with those on the platform and in the regional networks.
Albania | The Effects of Flat Tax on Inequality and Informal Employment: The Case of Albania
Balkans and the EU | Fiscal Issues in Financial Crisis
Bosnia | Do Social Transfers “Crowd-Out” Remittances: Evidence from Bosnia
Bulgaria | Sources of Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence from Bulgaria
CIS Countries | Measuring Inequality in CIS Countries: Theory and Empirics
European Union | Models for Stability and Growth, Structural Reforms, Conditionality, and EU Surveillance Criteria
Romania | A Contribution to the Public-Private Wage Inequality Debate: The Iconic Case of Romania
Poland | Women’s Self-employment in Poland: A Strategy for Combining Work and Childcare?
South East Europe | Decomposing Redistributive and Reranking Effects to Reveal Contributions of Taxes and Benefits
South East Europe | Subgroup and Shapely Value Decompositions of Multidimensional Inequality: An Application to South East European Countries
Ukraine | Does Health Matter for Inequality in Transition Countries: The Case of Ukraine