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Papers and Presentations


Key presentations made at the conference are available below. The views presented within are not necessarily endorsed by GDN.


A. Skills for Tomorrow

Pablo Brassiolo, Principal Research Economist, CAF Development Bank of Latin America. The Role of Labor Markets in Skills Formation. Download.

Goolam Mohamedbhai, Former Secretary General of the Association of African Universities. Graduate Unemployment in Africa: Causes, Consequences and Responses. Download.

Samuel Berlinski, Prinicipal Economist, Inter-American Development Bank. Investing in Early Childhood in Latin America and the Caribbean. Download. Also see Report.

Santosh Mehrotra, Professor, Jawarharlal Nehru University, India. Skills to Realize the Demographic Dividend in Asia: What are the Challenges? Download.

Felipe Child, Principal Associate, McKinsey & Company. Education to Employment: Designing a System that Works. Download.

B. Education Policy & Finance

Ariel Fiszbein, Director, Inter-American Dialogue. Financiamiento para el logro de Resultados Educativos. Download.

Jaime Saavedra, Minister of Education, Peru. Calidad, Equidad. Download.

Sebastian Nieto Parra, Deputy Head of the Latin American and Caribbean, OECD Development Centre. Politica Fiscal y Calidad de la Educaion en America Latina. Download

Barbara Bruns, Visiting Fellow, Centre for Global Development. Maximizando la Productividad de los Profesores. Download.

C. Enhancing Education Outcomes

Emiliana Vegas, Chief of the Education Division, Inter-American Development Bank. The Important Role of Government in assuring Quality and Equity of Basic Education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Download.

Paul Glewwe, Professor, University of Minnesota. Improving Education Outcomes in Schools in Developing Countries: The Evidence, Knowledge Gaps and Policy Implications.Download.

Emmanuel Jimenez,  Executive Director, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation(3ie). What do we know about what works to enhance education outcomes? Download.

Liesel Ebersohn, Professor, University of Pretoria and WERA. Resilience, Social Connectedness and Education in Challenging Contexts. Download.

Catherine Rodriguez, Researcher, Universidad de los Andes. Pursuing Excellence in the Teaching Profession. Download.

D. Research and Policy

Jose Joaquin Brunner, Professor, Universidad Diego Portales & Former General Secretary, Government of Chile. El Desafio de la Educacion en Alerica Latina. Download.

Mairead Dunne, Director, Centre for INternational Education, Sussex University,UK. Research. Research and Policy (and Practice). Download.

Ben Ross Schneider, Professor MIT. Managing the Politics of Quality Reforms in Education: Policy Lessons from Global Experience. Download.

Pasi Sahlberg, Visiting Professor, Harvard University. Thin Line between Facts and Fiction in Education Research & Policy.Download.

Juan Pablo Silva, Vice Minister of Institutional Management at Ministry of Education, Peru. Download.