The Global Development Awards Competition is an innovative award scheme launched by GDN with the support from the Government of Japan. Since 2000, the Global Development Awards Competition has supported the career advancement of researchers and development practitioners in developing countries and funded outstanding research and innovative social projects benefitting marginalized groups. In total, the competition awarded and funded over 420 research and development projects, generating social development impact within many countries.
In 2016-2017, the not-for-profit research, advisory and implementing consultancy, Aidenvironment conducted an impact study to capture, document and analyze the impact created by the three grants up until then (2000-2015). In 2022, GDN again secured Aidenvironment’s services to conduct a follow up study, following Aidenvironment application for GDN’s call for applications. In both studies, generally the same methodology has been used, as to allow for comparability. The impact study was carried between March and May 2022.
Farmers working in a greenhouse in Mbita Country. Source: George Onyango, DADREG
This report describes the results of the follow up study which focuses on the impact of the grants in two areas:
1) Impact on individual (professional) development of previous awardees and their organizations
2) Impact on social development by the project or research
Girls reading teaching materials in Pakistan - Fakhira Najib
Section 1 of this report elaborates the methodology that was developed for the study, which includes a survey of competition winners, an analysis of research quality and case studies of selected winners. The results and emerging insights are presented in Section 2. In the last section, the report lists the main conclusions and recommendations emerging from this study.