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Evaluating the Impact of Community-Based Health Interventions: Evidence from Brazil’s Family Health Program

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Name of the Asset | Evaluating the Impact of Community-Based Health Interventions: Evidence from Brazil’s Family Health Program

Type of AssetWorking Paper

DateSeptember 2009


This paper analyzes the direct and indirect impacts of Brazil’s Family Health Program. Direct impacts are related to the effects of the program on health outcomes. Indirect impacts refer to the effects of the program, through changes in health, on household behavior related to child labor and schooling, employment of adults, and fertility.

The study uses the municipality level mortality data (by age and cause of death) to analyze the health impact of the family health program (PSF), and its specific characteristics in terms of age groups and causes of death.

The study found consistent effects of the program on reductions in mortality throughout the age distribution, and particularly to reduce infant mortality. This impact is particularly felt in poorer areas. Program implementation was also significantly associated with reduced fertility, increased labor supply of adults, and increased school enrollment.

The replicability of such programs in other countries must consider the level of institutional development, including performance monitoring of health teams, as well as labor market conditions, including incentives for qualified professionals to work in poorer areas.



  • Romero Rocha, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC‐Rio)
  • Rodrigo R. Soares, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC‐Rio), NBER, and IZA


Country and/or Region | Brazil
Name of the Program | GDN’s Global Research Project ‘Promoting Innovative Programs from the Developing World: Towards Realizing the Health MDGs in Africa and Asia
Funder(s) | The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, United States

Download the Full Study here

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