Photo by Annie Spratt/Unsplash
7 December, 2016. Counting the Wealth of Nature in Madagascar. Linked In.
22 November, 2016. Crop Insurance. Is it workable in Sri Lanka? Talking Economics.
14 November, 2016. Human Displacement: Lessons from Colombia. Linked In.
14 November, 2016. Asessing Research Systems in Developing Countries. Research to Action.
31 October, 2016. Data Sharing to Stop Human Tafficking. Linked In.
26 October, 2016. Innovation is the Key to Collborative Research. Sci Dev Net.
18 October, 2016. African Voices on Research, Policy and International Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Brookings Institution.
13 July, 2016. Combating Human Trafficking. Morung Express.
June, 2016. A short story on the findings from Velichkovski, Stojkov and Rajkovic's study, 'Reconnecting the peripheral wagons to the euro area core locomotive', Ekonomija i Biznis (Macedonian).
5 May, 2016. Social research in Indonesia: why and what next? Research to Action.
26 April, 2016. Doing research in Bolivia Paraguay and Perú . Research to Action.
13 April, 2016. Social science research and the demand factor in a low-income country – The case of Niger. Research to Action.
13 April, 2016. Educational Improvement Takes Time, We Cannot Rush It, The Hindustan Times, India
26 March, 2016. Bonus Plea for Rural Teachers. Daily Dispatch, South Africa
26 March, 2016. SA Students Not Only Protestors. Dispatch Live, South Africa
20 March, 2016. Tasa de NINIS en el Perú es la menor en toda la región. La Republica, Peru.
18 March, 2016. Emiliana Vegas. Canal 7, Peru (Spanish Interview)
17 March, 2016. Pasi Sahlberg, Peru TV (Spanish Introduction, English Interview)
14 March, 2016. Doing Research in Cambodia: Making models that build capacity. Research to Action.
7 March, 2016. Why study the research environment? Research to Action.
4 Feb, 2016. Insularity leaves Indonesia trailing behind in the world of social research. The Conversation.