Laura L. Rodríguez Wong’s professional experience is based on demographic analyses applied to incomplete data, hence use of de-mographic indirect techniques. Data evaluation (census, demographic surveys and vital statistics), together with fertility and maternal mortality are the areas of her research. She also focused on the demographic dynamics of the population (age and sex evolution of a population), which allowed her to study and understand the ageing process in developing countries and their consequences, and motivated her to do research in the more socially vulnerable populations. She was also given a national academic award for this work. Her research on fertility, allowed her to work on reproductive health issues and population forecasts. As for the Population Studies Associations, Laura is a member of the APA, the current vice-president of the International Scientific Studies for Population (IUSSP) and its President during the 2015-2019 period. She has also been General Secretary of the Brazilian Population for Population Studies and President of the Latin American Association for Population Studies. She is the Vice-president of the International Scientific Studies for Population since 2021, and the Training Director at the Graduate Programme of Demography - UFMG /Brazil since 2017. Laura has served as Head of the Department of Demography at the Federal University of Minas Gerais/Brazil, a researcher on demographic analy-sis at the Center of Planning and Regional Development/Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG/Brazil); Lecturer, Visitant, Adjunct, Associated and Full Professor - Department of Demography, UFMG (Brazil), President of the Latin American Population Association, Training Director (and vice-director) at the Graduate Programme of Demography - UFMG/Brazil and many other similar roles.