Izumi Ohno specializes in international development policy, Japanese development cooperation, industrial development cooperation, and business and development. Since 2002, she has been a Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS). From 2018 to 2020, she served as Director of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development, and continues to serve as Senior Research Advisor to the JICA Ogata Research Institute. Prior to joining GRIPS, she worked at JICA, the World Bank, and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation. She graduated from Tsuda College (Tokyo), and holds an MPA from the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs at the Princeton University in USA. In the past years, Izumi has been a member of several advisory committees in the areas of international development, economic cooperation, inclusive business, and so on. These include a member of the Advisory Panel to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the ODA Charter Review, chair of the Advisory Committee for the Japan Inclusive Business Support Center of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and chief evaluator of Review of Japan’s ODA Evaluations (FY2015-FY2021). During the Think 20 - 2019 Japan process, Izumi served as lead Co-Chair of Task Force on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and contributed to formulating policy recommendations for the G20 Osaka Summit. During 2009-2023, she was engaged in the JICA-supported intellectual cooperation, ‘Japan-Ethiopia industrial policy dialogue’, which aimed to share the East Asian development experiences with senior policymakers in Ethiopia. At the JICA Ogata Research Institute, she currently leads a Research Project on the Japanese Experience of Industrial Development and Development Cooperation.