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Foire aux savoirs des think tanks du Sahel

Lire l'article de blog sur la foire aux savoirs!

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The PCDI launched on April 4!

The Pôle clermontois de développement international (PCDI) is a collaboration of CERDI, GDN and FERDI.

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GlobalDev's First Communication Training

GlobalDev organised its first communication training on October 30, 2023.

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Webinar on Common Flaws in Evaluations

GDN and the UK Evaluation Society (UKES) jointly organized a webinar on the topic ‘Common Flaws in Evaluations’ on March 6, 2024.

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Final Peer Review Workshop l Biodiversity and Development Awards Program

Researchers of the AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Awards convened for a productive final peer review workshop on the sidelines of the 2023 Global Development Conference.

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Workshop | Global Development Awards Competition

Grantees of the Global Development Awards Competition from 2019 to 2022 attended a pre-conference workshop in Quito, Ecuador.

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G20 Conference on A Green and Sustainable Growth Agenda for the Global Economy

The conference was the result of a tri-partite collaboration between Global Development Network (GDN), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and NITI Aayog. 

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GDN to present at the EADI CEsA Conference 2023

A team from GDN will be presenting on ‘Doing Research in Francophone Africa: Bridging the Research Gap and Improving Development Policies'.

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Innovation financière pour les pauvres dans le monde

Le Global Development Network organise un séminaire pour discuter de cette question, en collaboration avec la Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI), pendant la « Clermont Innovation Week ».

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Past Events

GDN's Past Events

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