The winners have been announced, check who they are!
ORD Session on April 16, 2024
MIDP Session on April 17, 2024
The results were announced at INGSA2024 and the winners are:
The theme of the 2023 edition was ‘Nexus of Education, Development and Human Security’ and featured two categories:
The Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development (ORD)
A competitive research grant program that identifies and funds outstanding research proposals that have a high potential for excellence in research and clear policy implications for addressing development issues in low and middle-income countries (World Bank definition).
Find more details about the 2023 edition of the Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development (ORD)
The Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP)
A competitive grant program that supports non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in low or lower-middle-income countries (World Bank definition) to recognize the innovative approach of their projects.
Find more details about the 2023 edition of the Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP)
The Global Development Awards Competition is an innovative award scheme administered by GDN, funded under the Policy and Human Resources Development Fund (PHRD) trust fund managed by the World Bank, and generously supported by the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan.
About the Competition | Our Approach | Recent Editions of the Competition | 20 years of the Global Development Awards | Global Development Awards platform | Impact of the Competition