Photo by Lars Plougmann/Flickr
The Global Research Project, Development on the Move: Measuring and Optimizing Migration’s Economic and Social Impacts, was jointly coordinated with the Institute for Public Policy Research (ippr), and involved seven research teams from across the world (Colombia, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Jamaica, Macedonia and Vietnam). The project aimed to measure the economic and social impacts of migration in developing countries.
The project examined the multidimensional nature of migration from a holistic perspective to further research and policymaking on North-South and South-South cross-border migration. The overall parameters of migration in the selected countries and its various impacts on the countries’ economic, social and political development were analyzed. All studies involved large, nationally representative household surveys.
Some Research and Results
Development on the move - measuring and optimising migration's economic and social impacts, by Laura Chappell, Ramona Angelescu-Naqvi, George Mavrotas and Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah (Full Paper) (Executive Summary)
A propensity score matching analysis on the impact of international migration on entrepreneurship in Vietnam, by Thi Bich Tran, Huu Chi Nguyen, Thi Xuan Mai Nguyen and Thi Phuong Thao Ngo (Journal Article in Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy)
Other resources: Impact Map, Global Dataset
Working Papers
Macedonia | Development on the Move: Measuring and Optimizing the Economic and Social Impacts of Migration in the Republic of Macedonia
Global | Mapping the Development Impacts of Migration
Find out more
To find more studies completed under this program, please go to the Research section of this website, and check back frequently for updates.