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Balasubramanyam Pattath

Program Manager | Digital Public Infrastructure

Balasubramanyam Pattath (Balu) is a Ph.D. candidate in Development Economics at the Graduate Institute, Geneva. He is an Instructor (adjunct) at Smith College in Geneva and a Research Fellow at the International Institute of Migration and Development in Thiruvananthapuram. His research focuses on migration, public finance, and household behaviour in developing countries. Balu has published in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes, ranging from Vaccine to the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, and has research experience with institutions such as the World Bank, NORRAG, and the Indian School of Business. Previously at GDN, Balu worked as a Consultant for the preparation of a publication on the proceedings of the G20 Green Growth Conference.

Balu is the Program Manager for GDN’s Digital Public Infrastructure program. You can reach him at