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Registration & Logistics

GDN and its partners invited developing country researchers, policymakers, the private sector and civil society actors to participate and suggest either presentations or full sessions to be showcased in the conference. Presentations and full sessions featured examples of research, programs and policies that either develop innovation as a thematic axis or concretely use technological progress to improve life conditions and well-being in developing countries. It presented state-of-the-art initiatives that have a direct impact on development outcomes, by fostering South-South academic collaboration on the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) agenda and attempting to mainstream STI into global development debates.

Organizers provided networking spaces for global actors, as well as facilitated debates and discussions. Other features included a research exhibition, an awards competition, a blog launch, a networking event and more. Expert films will soon be available under the Conference Media link below. 

Parallel Sessions

Interested organizations submitted proposals for parallel sessions by filling in an online form. The sessions targeted either research, projects or policy in any of the three focus areas of the event. The fee for organizers was 3,000 USD. This included registration of panelists  for both days of the event, and  lunch. However, it excluded travel and  accommodation of panelists.

The call for sessions closed on 31st December 2017.

General Participants

The conference was a prized networking event for researchers and development actors. Interested participants registered their attendance by filling a form. The registration fee covered both days of the event and includes lunch.

Registration fees





500 INR

25 USD

Academics & NGOs

3000 INR

125 USD

Donors & Corporate

8000 INR

250 USD


Participants were provided with this logistics note for information about hotels, bus shuttles, dress codes and more.
For questions, participants were able to write to a centralized email address:


Themes & Focus Areas | Agenda | Speaker Bios | Conference Partners | Awards | Registration & Logistics | Venue Maps | Sponsor this event | Conference Media | Live Webcast | Conference Presentations